Summary Of Classes
Old Testament Survey: The Old Testament is divided into five sections: the Pentateuch (Genesis through Deuteronomy), the historical books (Joshua through Esther), the poetic books (Job through Song of Solomon), the Major Prophets (Isaiah through Daniel), and the Minor Prophets (Hosea through Malachi). The Old Testament was written from approximately 1400 B.C. to approximately 400 B.C. The Old Testament was written primarily in Hebrew, with a few small sections written in Aramaic (essentially a variation of Hebrew).
The Old Testament deals primarily with the relationship between God and the nation of Israel. The Pentateuch deals with the creation of Israel and God establishing a covenant relationship with Israel. The historical books record Israel's history, its victories, and successes along with its defeats and failures. The poetic books give us a more intimate look at God's relationship with Israel and His passion for Israel to worship and obey Him. The prophetic books are God's call to Israel to repent from its idolatry and unfaithfulness and to return to a relationship of obedience and spiritual fidelity. The New Testament is divided into five sections: the Gospels (Matthew through John), history (the book of Acts), the Pauline Epistles (Romans through Philemon), the General Epistles (Hebrews through Jude), and prophecy (the book of Revelation). The New Testament was written from approximately A.D. 45 to approximately A.D. 95. The New Testament was written in Koine Greek (common Greek, the everyday form of the Greek language in the first century A.D.)
New Testament Survey: The Gospels give us four different, yet not conflicting, accounts of the birth, life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Gospels demonstrate how Jesus was the promised Messiah of the Old Testament and lay the foundation for the teaching of the rest of the New Testament. The book of Acts records the deeds of Jesus' apostles, the men Jesus sent out into the world to proclaim the Gospel of salvation. Acts tells us of the beginning of the church and its rapid growth in the first century A.D. The Pauline Epistles, written by the Apostle Paul, are letters to specific churches - giving official Christian doctrine and the practice that should follow that doctrine. The General Epistles compliment the Pauline Epistles with additional teaching and application. The book of Revelation prophesies the events that will occur in the end times.
History of the Church of God in Christ: The Church of God In Christ (COGIC) with over six million members worldwide is one the largest Pentecostal churches in the world. It was founded by Bishop Charles Harrison Mason in 1907.
Charles Harrison Mason began his religious life in the 1890s as an ordained Baptist minister in Arkansas. However he traveled to Los Angeles, California in 1906 to participate in the Azusa Street Revival led by black evangelist Rev. William Seymour. Inspired by what he heard in Los Angeles, Mason returned to Arkansas ready to challenge many Baptist doctrines.
Although Mason and Charles Price Jones, a Baptist Pastor from Jackson Mississippi who had served as Mason’s mentor, believed in similar ideals, they differed when teaching about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and complete sanctification. Raised a Baptist, Rev. Mason was denied the right hand of fellowship with the Church in 1907. In November of 1907, Mason along with others formed the Church of God In Christ.
Rev. Charles Mason built the Church of God in Christ on the doctrine given on the Day of Pentecost to the Disciples (Act 2:41). The early church began meeting in Mississippi, but soon after relocated to Memphis Tennessee in 1925. Mason Temple, the church headquarters, was completed in 1940. Once known as the largest Black owned structure in Memphis, Mason Temple was financed by church members who were sharecroppers, cotton pickers, and domestic servants.
Understanding Bible Doctrine As Taught In The Church Of God In Christ: The purpose of this book is to examine the doctrine of the Church of God in Christ. It is to be used as a textbook in catechism classes designed to instruct people in the fundamental truths of the Bible. Questions and answers constitute the basic format in presenting these truths. This work is simply and expansion on the Articles of Religion listed in the official manual of the Church of God in Christ. Accordingly, the material systematically covers the doctrines of the Old and New Testament, God, Jesus Christ, Holy Ghost, Angels, Demons, Man, Sin, Salvation, Church and Last Things. The approach used in teaching these subjects is clear, concise and effective. Student will hopefully become rooted and grounded in the truth and stimulated to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
History of the International Women's Department: During the infancy of the Church of God in Christ in the early 1900's, the work among women had been started, but lacked organization. A search was made for a women capable of directing a Women's Department. The name Lizzie Woods, who was a matron at the Baptist Academy, was continuously brought to Elder Mason's attention. After inquiring, he succeeded in forming an acquaintance with her. She was introduced to the Church of God in Christ through the preaching of Elder D. W. Delk. In May 1911, while General Overseer Mason was holding a meeting in the Academy, she received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Bishop Charles Mason, with the keen insight God had given him, saw tht Lizzie Woods, who later became Lizziie Woods Robinson, was and organizer, able to inspire and direct. At the General Convocation in Tennessee in 1911, she was appointed Overseer of the Women's Work by Bishop Mason to organize and create such work as would be beneficial to the Church. Observing a group of women praying and another group reading and studying the Bible, Mother Robinson began her organization by combining the two grows together, forming the Prayer and Bible Band. This band was designed to educate in scriptural knowledge, for the purpose of soul winning. Today this band serves as a doctrinal study of the Bible.
Official Handbook For Department Of Women, Church of God in Christ, Inc: The Department of Women Handbook revised edition replaces all previous editions. This handbook provides extensive information pertaining to the origin, development, work, and growth, of the Department of Women within the Church Of God In Christ, Inc. It presents the organizational and leadership structures as well as duties and responsibilities of Department leaders. Included are: History of the Department of Women, Job Descriptions, Official Dress Code and other Women's Ministry information.
Sources: Understanding Bible Doctrine As Taught In The Church of God in Christ by Bishop P. A. Brooks and Charles Hawthorne, Bishop C. H. Mason and the Roots of the Church of God in Christ, Centennial Edition, Bishop Ithiel C. Clemmons,Source: Official Handbook For Department Of Women, Church Of God In Christ, Inc., Third Revised Edition -2002