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Called To A Higher Standard

Expectations & Standards


1.  Display a pattern of good works in the local, district, and Jurisdiction.

2.  Must be available for good works in the local, district, and Jurisdiction.

3.  Display a lifestyle pattern of holiness and sanctification unto God, and before men/women in and out of the church building and in the community.

4.  Aspiring Missionaries Accountability to God, Home, Family, Pastor, District Missionary, Bishop, and Jurisdictional Supervisor of the Women's Department.

5.  Work in a leadership position in the local church.

6.  Be obedient to her pastor and church mother.

7.  Is expected to uphold the standards of the dress code for missionaries. Modesty is the watchword.

8. Is expected to have a personal prayer life, Bible study, and support local church intercessory prayer. 

9.  Adhering to the doctrine and teachings of the Church as it relates to proper dress code, which signifies Holiness.

10.  Aspiring Missionary Monthly Progress Evaluation and Feedback

11.  After a minimum of one to two years of study, On The Job Training, Prayer Intercessory Support, and observation, the pastor can determine if he would like to submit a Recommendation Form for licensing for Deaconess Missionary to the Jurisdictional Supervisor. 


***Note: Completion of Women's Department Classes for Licensure does not guarantee one's recommendation for License solely. However, it is a requirement for licensure. Your pastor will determine your final readiness before making recommendations to the Jurisdictional Supervisor.

What Can Delay You From Receiving Licensing To Deaconess Missionary 

1.  Resigning from the program or not completing the program.

2.  Poor or none attendance of assigned classes and monthly aspiring missionary meetings.

3.  Abandoning your assigned work post in the local church without working with the pastor.

4.  Poor attitude, murmuring, and complaining, fighting against your pastor, first lady, your district missionary, Supervisor, Bishop, uncooperative in behavior and attitude.

5. Habitually late and unreliable for ministry, in other words, unavailable when needed.

6.  Unsupportive of the local church, your pastor's programs, district, and Jurisdictional Women Department.

7. Behaviors unbecoming of a child of God,  servant of God,  and missionary (Sexual immoral behaviors, Gossip, Instigators of discord, Stealing, Adultery, Living an unholy lifestyle, etc.). 

8. Reconciliation and Restoration Program

9. Missionary Disciplinary Action Program

Aspiring Missionaries Financial Requirements

Within the Department of Women, Aspiring Missionaries are required to pay two kinds of financial reports. The first reports are to the Jurisdictional Women's Department; they are used for the expense account of our department. They are annual reports due in the month of October. Your District Missionary or Designed Person in your local church will inform you of the amount of the reports, these reports are turned in to our Women's Department Treasurer. 


The second reports are to our Women's International Department. They are annual reports due in the month of October in time for the International Holy Convocation in St. Louis, MO, all reports are turned in at this time to the International Church of God in Christ, Inc. Your reports are collected by the District Missionary or Designed Person in your local church and sent to our Jurisdictional Women's Department Treasurer. Your District Missionary or Designed Person in your local church will inform you of the amount of the reports. 


Last note: All card credential holders (licensed supervisor, district missionaries, evangelist missionaries, and deaconess missionaries) within our Jurisdictional Department of Women participate in paying finanical reports to the Jurisdictional Women's Department and International Women's Department annually as well.


For future Reference: Aspiring Missionaries, once an aspiring missionary is licensed to become a deaconess missionary by the Church of God in Christ, Inc., there is an annual licensing report due each year in the month of April, to be turn into the International Church of God in Christ, Inc. during the annual "April Call Meeting" held in Headquarters Memphis, Tennessee. Once you are licensed, your district missionary or designed person in your local church will inform you of the amount of the reports. Each church and district have different ways of reporting the monies due, therefore, they will inform you of their procedures when the time comes.


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